Welcome aboard the train of thought! travel across the usa aboard its expansive railroad network. each station presents you with a puzzle, consisting of a set of words that has been chopped up and needs to be put back together based on clues. practice your vocabulary, from common words with cryptic clues all the way up to those top-shelf ones we rarely use.
hotgames - R.o.b.o.t relatively obedient being of thought - control ..
kongregate - You are riding on a train without a name, memory, or your ..
unsame.itch - The problematic jam game of problematic trains...
arcadeprehacks - Control the last kx-3700 army-class robot in existence ..
kongregate - Control the last kx-3700 army-class robot in existence ..
mochimedia - Control the last kx-3700 army-class robot in existence ..